Have you seen the videos on YouTube? A 7-month old baby hears his mother’s voice for the first time after being having hearing aids fitted. The smile on his face is enough to bring tears to your eyes.
You can find numerous videos similar to this online. You can share that wonderful moment with the child, the parents, and their doctors.
The baby doesn’t always take to the idea of getting hearing aids put in initially. They fight when the doctor attempts to place the device on their ear. They may cry before they smile with joy. They are overwhelmed by a wide range of emotions. They don’t know what to expect. But then, with renewed hearing, the world opens up for them.
They beam with happiness, but that life-changing moment can happen to anyone.
Does the idea of using hearing aids make you anxious? You’re not alone. People of every age can be a bit nervous about this.
Let’s investigate how people of all ages may cry tears of joy when they wear their hearing aid.
Music to Your Ears
You might not even know. It developed so slowly. You don’t listen to music nowadays. It seems like it used to be a lot more satisfying. It was even grating at times. Turning it up made it even worse.
Hearing impairment doesn’t just effect the volume you can hear. It impacts how you hear different frequencies and tones.
Every musician knows that the notes blend together to make a unified sound that resonates as waves move into your ears. It’s just not the same if you can’t hear the subtle complexity of the music.
But put your hearing aid on. Now, those tones which were once silent can be vibrantly heard. Music again comes alive. It becomes a wonderful pleasure in your life that you’d lost.
The Laughter of a Child
Is the sound of a child’s laughter something you can recall? If you’ve been reluctant to wear your hearing aid, you might have forgotten how amazing this experience can be.
Rediscover these magical moments with your grandchildren by recovering your hearing.
The Beautiful Sounds of Nature
Have you forgotten that lots of birds live in your backyard? If you go for a walk in the park there will be hundreds. While some of their chirps are more pleasant than others, it’s something you may not appreciate until they’ve gone.
But the birds aren’t gone. These beautiful sounds of nature once greatly enhanced your life, but now you don’t hear them because of your hearing loss.
When you wear your hearing aids, you again delight in the merriment of our feathered friends.
Restored Relationships
Neglected hearing impairment can put enormous strain on relationships. People become frustrated. They do not understand. They often argue more. It can even cause somebody with hearing loss to seclude themselves, so they don’t feel as if they are a burden.
They often feel alone and disconnected from other’s discussions causing them to avoid going out to dinner or other social activities.
Have you given up hobbies because they aren’t as satisfying?
Your relationship with family and friends will be renewed by the basic act of wearing hearing aids.
Get accustomed to speaking with each other again. Have long talks. Get back to doing the things you enjoy and being with people you love.
If you’re missing this in your life, it’s time to reassess that hearing aid.
Assurance That You’re Safe in Your House
Do you feel stressed about what you can’t hear? Would you hear the voice of a hurt family member yelling to you from another room? Could you hear the doorbell, timer on the oven, or smoke alarm? Perhaps you would miss an important phone call because you didn’t hear it ring.
When you stroll around the neighborhood, are you sure that you will hear oncoming traffic, pedestrian signals, or a bicycle bell?
There are places where we should feel totally safe but because of these “what ifs” we don’t.
But when you wear your hearing aid, you can be more at ease, and enjoy life to its utmost. You’ll be more at peace.
You Probably Don’t Even Recognize How Much You’re Missing
Hearing loss progresses gradually in most instances. It’s possible that you don’t even remember how much you enjoyed things before your hearing began to decline.
When you suddenly hear them again, you’ll be shocked. You’ll regret letting it go this long. Think your hearing loss isn’t that severe? Get it looked at. Call us to schedule a hearing exam.